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They could have lived and met six decades ago, somewhere between a concert of The Beatles and a zinc counter of an English pub: After Geography is this duo made up of two kids from the 90s with retro and dandy football looks. For them, playing music together is obvious. Because if Julien Méret and Nicolas Baud come together, it is around this fervent passion for songwriting and British pop rock from the 60s to the 90s.
Creating songs, giving them a voice and a texture, a body and an envelope: that is the leitmotif of After Geography. Their writing results from intuition and spontaneity as much as necessity. In their texts, they explore the turmoil of a somewhat lost generation with falsely offhanded self-mockery: if depression is considered the disease of the century, After Geography turns it into a wacky character or redraws its outlines in imagination and metaphor. On a wild but never garish sound, on sophisticated pop arrangements, on tart rhythms, the duo plays with vocal harmonies and sprinkles its music with a melodic bass and a subtle guitar.
But trying to define the style of After Geography might lead, in a way, to not quite understand it. Britpop or Glam Rock, a bit folk in its intention, sometimes punk in its energy. And in order to serve it in the best way, the duo surrounds itself with two live musicians (Camille/Drum. Arthur/Guitar) and thus gives its songs a new dimension, more raw, more rock and more primary.


Am Freitag, 16. Februar 2024 / Beginn: 20:00 Uhr / kinett Kusel / Am Hofacker 11 / 66869 Kusel


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